Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Okay, but for real.

Brent keeps reminding me that I have a blog. I figure maybe now's a good time to start it back up again. Maybe. We'll see how long this stint lasts.

I don't know why, but I actively avoided coming here for a very, very long time. It doesn't really make much sense to me. Maybe it was my overwhelming guilt at STILL not having seen The Godfather as I had promised. More likely, I just got involved with other things in life, and blogging got put on the back burner. Whatever the reason, my heart or my shoes, I'm blogging again (and I don't hate the Who's). So many life changes have happened in the past few years, but instead of just making one huge post where I literally throw up the past three years, I'll take it slowly, piece by piece. It might not even be in order. But it'll be something. I'll even start my adventure posts again. This time, I really will watch The Godfather. Brent will hold me to it, wontcha, Brent?

Oh, and because you haven't seen him in a while, here's Nate:

On his 3rd birthday. My little man!
Dress Like a Pirate Day at his daycare last month
His new piggy bank. He loves Thomas the Tank Engine.
A recent picture of Nate and me

Anyway, this is probably as good a stopping point as it gets. Until next time!

Dear Brent (Part 2)

Dear Brent,

I'm blogging again. Are you happy now?!


Oh yeah, I had a blog at one point.

Three years later, and I still haven't watched The Godfather.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Of Chicken and Men

A few things regarding the whole Dan Cathy/Chik-Fil-A debate:

1. I will not eat at Chik-Fil-A today, which has been deemed as "Chik-Fil-A Appreciation Day". Why not? I think it's great that a company, no matter what they believe, stands for what they believe in, whether it be traditional marriage, gay rights, the right to raise llamas in your backyard, whatever. Not only that, but it's Dan Cathy's right as an American to say and believe and support whatever he wants. The intent of this appreciation day is to say that it's perfectly okay for businesses and organizations on the political right to stand up for what they believe in, and you know what? It is. But I believe that this Chik-Fil-A appreciation day would only serve to fuel the divide between the Christian and LGBT communities. Personally, I have Christian values and have many Christian friends whom I love dearly. But I also have many friends in the LGBT community whom I love no more or less than my Christian ones. It seems to me that if I want to affirm a company/organization/person's right to say what they want, I don't need a special, emotionally charged day to show my support. 

2. I will, however, still eat at Chik-Fil-A occasionally. Why? Because I like their chicken sandwiches. Personally, I don't have time to nit pick every company that I put every dollar into and not buy from those that don't support what I believe in. It's exhausting. Plus, I'm not one for boycotting. So I will watch The Muppets while eating my Chik-Fil-A sandwich and waffle fries chased with an Oreo milkshake and be perfectly content.  *See Edit

3. I am disappointed at the reactions from both sides of the debate. Aren't Christians called to love one another? And by "one another", it's not meant to mean just other Christians. So how is judging people in the LGBT community loving them? Christians are called to be the "hands and feet of Christ", and Jesus was one to reach out and love on those that religious zealots deemed as "unclean" or "sinners", so why aren't those so outspoken on the issue more focused on creating personal relationships with those on the other side of the fence?

And shouldn't those who support LGBT rights and demand equality and want people to "treat others how they would want to be treated" do the same even with those who disagree with them? So how is setting up and participating in a "kiss-in" treating others how you would want to be treated? If you were dining at a restaurant that supported gay marriage, would you want to have a bunch of heterosexual couples start making out in front of that restaurant to prove a point? I know when I'm out dining with my family and small child, I don't want to be subject to abundant PDA, regardless of whether the couple is gay/lesbian or heterosexual.

It seems to me that if people would just practice what they preached, we'd all live in a happier place.

Love and Equality for all, even those who don't believe in the same things I do.

EDIT: Admittedly, I hadn't done much research on the subject when I made this post. After reading up some more on the issue, I have decided that until Chik-Fil-A stops donating money to organizations that are working to make being gay a crime, I will not be eating there, and will encourage others to do the same. A company that truly operates on "biblical principles" would reflects Christ's heart with their pocketbook as well as with words. There are plenty of Christian organizations out there that don't actively encourage hating groups of people.

EDIT 2: A friend of mine just linked Wayne Self's blog post on Facebook. I thought it was very inspiring and well-thought out as well. Take a gander.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Freakin' out, man.

Okay, so something seriously creepy happened last night and I am freakin' out just a little bit.

So Nate fell asleep in my bed last night. He didn't take his afternoon nap and had been awake for 7 hours (which is Alot) so I didn't think he'd be waking up during the night. I picked him up, put him in his crib, skyped with Boyfran for a while and then went to bed. I didn't turn the monitor on because I figured he'd be sleeping the whole night.

Well, around 5 a.m., I'm woken up by him shrieking and crying. I get out of bed and go to his room, but he's not in his crib! My heart jumps in my throat and I start to panic. I rush out of his room and into the living area, look around and see him in the kitchen. He's in there by himself, crying, and totally barefoot when I know for a fact that he had socks on when he went to bed because it was supposed to be a chilly night and, well, he just always has socks on.

So of course I sweep him up and start comforting him. He eventually calms down, and I take him back to my room and he falls asleep against me again, but this time I just let him sleep cuddled up next to me. 

Then it's time to wake up and get ready for work, at which point I picked him up and put him in his crib. I got ready and left, and noticed that the front door wasn't even locked. Then I start really freaking out. WHAT IF SOME PSYCHOPATH WAS IN MY HOUSE LAST NIGHT WITH MY CHILD?!

Of course, it's probably just a coincidence, but still. I've been going over and over this in my head trying to figure it out. I called my mom to ask if maybe she had him, but she said that she didn't, that she heard him crying "when I took him to the kitchen to get his bottle." But of course, I didn't take him to the kitchen and he didn't have a bottle. 

So this leaves me with very few explanations.

Nate woke up and somehow ninja'd his way down his crib, crawled out of his door and to the kitchen, where he realized, "oh, man, it's kind of dark and nobody's around WAAAAA COME GET ME MAMA!"

Nate sleepcrawled and didn't start crying until he inexplicably woke up in the kitchen in the dark.

Some pyschopath was in our house and took Nate out of his crib to take him away, but Nate woke up and started crying and scared him/her away.

My brother got him and left him maybe on the sofa or something? But this is even less likely than a psychopath coming to the house.

And NONE OF THOSE explain how his socks just disappeared. I talked to my mom and she didn't notice his socks in his crib. 

What freaks me out most is that, since I don't know what happened, I don't know how to prevent it from happening again. What if he really did sleep crawl? What if next time he ends up somewhere he could get seriously hurt? What if a psycho really was in the house? What if they plan on coming back and really taking him next time? Uuuugh I hate this. It makes my head and tummy and heart hurt.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Catching up


I've got so many things to write about: a trip to Canada, a trip to AlaBAMa, and the Indian food experience. Actually, I might have to do the Indian food experience again because the pictures I took have magically distappeared.


I need new things to try! I haven't even thought about what my next experiences should be. It's getting close to wintertime, so maybe they could be winter-related foods/movies/experiences? Again, nothing that would require spending all the money because I am poor.


I totally forgot I still have to watch The Godfather. Which I can totally do this weekend because it's Veteran's Day on Friday and I will have the day OFF, bitches! Hell yeah! But I still need suggestions so we can move right on along after that.

Gah, I feel like I need to write about all the things that have happened, but I don't even know where to begin.
Okay, let me 'splain. No, is too much. Let me sum up:

-trip to Canada
-moved offices and am adjusting because this new position keeps my bizzay.
-orchestra concert
-trip to AlaBAM!a
-grandma admitted to emergency room because of heart failure, freaked out, but she's okay now.
-stupid car troubles
-He also apparently has a slight lazy eye, so he needs to see some doctor so we can work on fixing it

Oh, and I am no longer single! I can hear the collective gasps and sobs from the long queue of suitors waiting outside my door right now (only not really because I had no suitors other than Boy. At least, none that I'm aware of.). But don't worry! It's a long-distance relationship, and we already had our time for each other each day pretty much set, so nothing has changed in my day-to-day life, which means that there won't be yet another thing to keep me away from my adoring fans. All 12 of you. *hears the relieved sighs*

That's pretty much the big things for now. Just a quick update to let you know I'm not dead yet!

I leave you with this picture of Nate to make up for my long absence. Isn't he the cutest?

Thursday, September 29, 2011